02/09/2018April Daniels
Symptom Encoded 2K/2, 16K/2, or 16K/16 cards for Lenel ILS locks generate invalid card formats on HID iCLASS SE readers and generate a long hex string in the SCPDebug.txt file like the following:
22758 Jan 24 14:39:19 SCP-21:674 ACCESS ...
02/09/2018April Daniels
Creating a Monitoring Zone with Child Devices Procedure Steps From System Administration, complete the following steps: From the Monitoring menu, select Monitor Zones . Select the Access Panel that is the Parent to the desired Child D...
01/12/2018April Daniels
Symptom When setting up an ODBC connection to the AccessControl database, a SQL Server Error is generated when either clicking the dropdown to choose the default database, or when testing the connection. Connection failed: SQLState: '2800...
01/12/2018April Daniels
Symptom The following error may occur when attempting to print a badge: Unable to obtain badge field data from database. Additional Information: Database error (Imaging Error Code=0x6E93.) The record for this cardholder is missing inform...
12/21/2017April Daniels
Procedure Steps
You may want to set up DataConduit in a small customer environment that is not on a domain. Standard setup will not work in this situation. Using the DCOM configuration tool, you can set it up so that the OnGuard DataConduIT s...
11/21/2017April Daniels
Adding a Barcode Card Format to OnGuard Procedure Steps This procedure begins in Badge Designer. In the badge layout, find the barcode for Access Control, right-click on it, and select Properties . Find the property labeled Text and...
11/17/2017April Daniels
How To Display "In and Out Reader" in the Reader Timezone Schedules Report Procedure Steps Download the updated ReaderTimezoneSchedules.rpt file from: https://file.ac/oiCEr5xZjCw/ . Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\OnGuard\ReportTem...
11/07/2017April Daniels
Symptom Running the "Access Denials, Grants and Other Badge Events" report as single-segment user shows incorrect events. If the same report is run by an all-segments user, the correct events are shown. The following steps reproduce the issue:...
10/31/2017April Daniels
Symptom CASI and NGP readers are missing from the Reader Timezone Schedules report. Resolution A patched version of this report has been created to address this issue. It can be downloaded from: https://file.ac/ixP1EQpGJb0/
To ...
10/19/2017April Daniels
Symptom Resolving no audio or poor audio quality Resolution To receive an audio notification, the OnGuard application server must have a sound card installed. For virtual machines, the server hosting the virtual machine must have a sou...