10/14/2024Matthew Therolf
Symptom Example error message from the log files: (Thu Oct 10 2024 12:25:05 (-0800):279) Threadid:[16620] gosEmailAgent::Send: CreateConnection failed, closing the active session. (Thu Oct 10 2024 12:30:38 (-0800):472) Threadid:[14996] gosEma...
02/07/2022April Daniels
How to enable the “Extended_ID” value in Forms Designer to support PIV/CAC cards. Procedure Steps To insert the Extended_ID field into OnGuard:), select the Cardholder form, then navigate to the Badge tab. Log into Forms Designer. Confirm you ...
10/08/2021Steve Goldstein
Symptom The OnGuard LenelS2 logo is missing from the logon dialogs for OnGuard applications on client workstations. For example: Resolution Perform the following procedure: Log into the workstation as an Administrator. Copy this DigiCer...
04/02/2019April Daniels
How can I determine the current compatibility for OnGuard versions, components, and firmware?
Procedure Steps
The OnGuard Compatibility Guide lists currently supported OnGuard versions, components, and firmware.
03/12/2019April Daniels
What versions of OnGuard are currently supported by LenelS2?
LenelS2 supports the following OnGuard versions:
Released Version
Release Date
Commercial Name
Support Ends
05/11/2018April Daniels
Symptom OSDP Biometric templates do not show on the access control panel, or the templates only show after a panel download. Resolution Ensure that OSDP biometrics is enabled for the access panel and in System Options. If this is enable...
05/11/2018April Daniels
Symptom DataConduIT integrations fail to finish. Error in log looks similar to: Error - XML parse error: error code = 0xc00ce002; source = line 1, char 2304; error description = Reference to undefined entity 'AMP'. Resoluti...
05/04/2018April Daniels
Using Selective Cardholder download on certain systems can slow down the panel download to more than 20 minutes.
Resolution The systems with this symptom usually have a large number of cardholders, with many access le...
03/23/2018April Daniels
Symptom ScanShell 1000-B devices produced with serial numbers beginning with 7 or higher contain a newer version of device firmware that requires different SDK and drivers than is included on the Supplemental Materials media, version 23 or ...
02/16/2018April Daniels
Symptom BlueDiamond readers appear in the DirectKey Toolkit and have been provisioned, but do not show up in the mobile application. Resolution Log in to https://api.credentialserver.com using the VAR account. Navigate to Manage D...