System Administration

How do I delay the REX button operation on an LNL-2220 or LNL-1320?

05/03/2012April Daniels
How do I delay the REX button operation on an LNL-2220 or LNL-1320?   Procedure Steps Currently, OnGuard does not provide a delay for this purpose. This is possible, however, by using an auxiliary input controlling an auxiliary outp...

How to Override Elevator Control ?

05/03/2012April Daniels
How to Override Elevator Control? Procedure Steps When using elevator control, it may be necessary to override some floors, either temporally or at certain times of the day. In system administration/access levels, select the elevator co...

How do I pulse an output on an NGP panel ?

05/03/2012April Daniels
Question How do I pulse an output on an NGP panel?   Answer There are two ways to pulse an output on an NGP panel :   Method 1 Configure a Local I/O with the "Activate Alarm Panel Output" funct...

How to add a Guardall panel to OnGuard?

05/03/2012April Daniels
How to add a Guardall panel to OnGuard? Procedure Steps 1.         Install the latest 6.4.500 TU1 + HF that includes the latest modifications for the Guardall panels. 2.         In system adminis...

Where do you disable the ability for a user to give an ''Allow 1 free APB pass'' in Alarm Monitoring?

05/03/2012April Daniels
Question Where do you disable the ability for a user to give an "Allow 1 free APB pass" in Alarm Monitoring?   Answer The ability for an OnGuard user to give an "Allow 1 free APB pass" in Alarm Monitoring is...

Including specific information about alarms within automatic emails

05/03/2012April Daniels
Including specific information about alarms within automatic emails   Procedure Steps Go to System Administration > Monitoring > Alarms > Messages tab. Click [Modify]. Select the Alarm name for which you want to send a...

How to Setup and Use Global Arm/Disarm Commands?

05/03/2012April Daniels
How to Setup and Use Global Arm/Disarm Commands? Procedure Steps In order to use the global arm/disarm commands, you will want to use the following steps: Non-Segmented Database 1. Set the Intrusion command configuration to Global Permi...

How to setup and use Extended Held Commands?

05/03/2012April Daniels
How to set up and use Extended Held Commands   Procedure Steps In order to use the extended held command, perform the following steps: Non-Segmented Database Set the Extended held command code ( System Administration > Administra...

How do I correctly setup SIA/CID communications on my NGP panel?

05/03/2012April Daniels
Question How do I correctly setup SIA/CID communications on my NGP panel?   Answer When you enable SIA/CID for an NGP panel, you must also enable the STU communications tab, but leave Line Fail Detection configured as Not Supp...

How do I setup scheduled area arming and disarming on NGP?

05/03/2012April Daniels
Question How do I setup scheduled area arming and disarming on NGP?   Answer In areas for the NGP panel, you need to enter a timezone in the Schedule field. This timezone is configured in Timezones. The start time is ...