What does the error message ''Failure writing to client'' mean in the LenelError.log file?


What does the error message "Failure writing to client" mean in the LenelError.log file?


The "failure writing to client" message may be displayed when the Communication Server is unable to contact the client logged into Alarm Monitoring for any reason. The following error example is related to a failed heartbeat check, but this is not the only type of failure that can cause such a message:

TIME:      [9/4/2009 10:43:11 AM]
ERROR CODE: 0x20010001
PROGRAM:   Lnlcomsrvr
FILE:      G:\6_1_222_HF2.3\CPP\Dev\LnlComSrvr\LnlComSrvrApp.cpp (LINE 2038)
DETAILS:     Internal logic error.: Failure writing to client 2 (Client 2) [error code 10054, 0 elapsed milliseconds] [SN: 0, MsgType: 0, Event: 6-4, Device: 0-0-0]

If there are known issues with connectivity to a client logged into Alarm Monitoring, such error messages can be useful in troubleshooting the connectivity between that client and the Communication Server.

Otherwise, the error messages can be ignored, or treated as informational.

Applies To

OnGuard (All versions)

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