Open Access Event Connection steps


Issues with OpenAccess events


  1. Communication Server
    • Verify if Alarms displaying in standard clients,
    • If not check LenelError.log for details.
  2. Communication Server to Message Broker (AMQP)
    • Is the message broker successfully connecting to the communication server?
      • Verify connection message in the LenelError.log and start up messages for Message Broker in the MessageBroker.log.
      • If successful and no output to LS Event Context Provider Server the QPID utility may be required to determine if message successfully being written and de-queued.
  3. LS EventContextProvider
    •  Verify ECP is successfully connecting to the database and message broker (AMPQ) connections being established. 
      • See the EventContextProviderService.log for any connection errors.
  4.  If no error messages displayed you can enable the ECP service to write event messages directly to the log file for verification.
  5. To enable this processing browse to the Lnl.OG.EventContextProviderService.exe.config,
  6. locate the <!-- Comment out the next line to log Business Event information that are received--> <add name="Business Event" />. 
    • Commented line should look like, <!-- <add name="Business Event" /> -->.
  7. Once done restart the LS Event Context Provider Service.
  •  If no event messages added to the EventContextProvider log file then verify the database has the messages available.

 In SQL Management Studio;

select * from lnlconfig where lnlconfigid=243

Note that the lnlvalue=1 enabled must be set to enable this processing. 

If a change is needed the LS Communication Server service and EventContextProvider service will need to be restarted.

  1. EventContextProvider>Message Broker (AMQP)
    • If events are successfully being output to file(EventContextProvider.log) 
      • then the QPID utility will be needed to verify message queue is properly adding and de-queueing the event messages.
  2. NGINX connection
    • the web service provides the connection between the web client and Web Event Bridge service.
    • If connection is failing to be established 
      • Then locate the NGINX directory/logs/error.log file for details.
  3. Web application (Web Monitor as example)
  4. If directory look up fails test Open Access Connection;
  5. If no version returns test NGINX connection;
  6.  If no defined fail points at this time can be found;
    • Then hit the F12 key to place the web browser into a debug view to capture error details if present.
  7. Open Access
    • If up to this point no direct failures
    • Then verify Open Access is stable or if any error messages displayed. 
      • See OpenAccess.log in standard log file path.  
      • This will typically be needed for data related errors and optional verbose mode logging is available. 
        1. To turn this on open the Configuration Editor
        2.  Select “Show Advanced”.
        3. Once the advanced options are displayed placed a check box in the Open Access option
        4. Save the changes.  
    • This will provide more details to data related errors that may be present.

Applies To

OnGuard 7.5 and above

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