Unable to print two reports at the same time via Global I/O or scheduled task


You are unable to print two reports at the same time via a Global I/O or scheduled task in System Administration after upgrading from OnGuard version 5.12.110 and earlier to version 6.0.148 or 6.1.222.

More specifically, one Global I/O or scheduled task has two output actions. Each output action has an action type of "Schedule Report." One output action is configured to print to one printer, and the other output action is configured to print to another printer.

Another scenario is two Global I/Os or scheduled tasks that start up at the same time. Each Global I/O or scheduled task has a single output action, with an action type of "Schedule Report." One report is configured to print to one printer, and the other report is configured to print to another printer.

The LenelError.log file may contain the following line corresponding to the time the Global I/O or scheduled task was executed:

[Linkage Server] Error setting up report.


As a workaround, complete the following steps:

1) Configure one Global I/O with two output actions. The first output action is "Schedule Report" for the first report. The second output action is "Generate Event." Enter Event text that will be used to create the input event in step 2.

2) Configure a second Global I/O. The input event will be "Generic Event" for a device of "None" and the Event text entered in step 1. The output action will be "Schedule Report," for the second report.

Applies To

OnGuard 2008 (6.0.148)
OnGuard 2008 Plus (6.1.222)

Additional Information

The root cause of the issue:
Crystal Reports uses an updated method of authentication that applications similar to OnGuard use. This updated method did not allow OnGuard to generate two or more reports with only a single instance of authentication which is the scenario described in the Symptom section.

Note: OnGuard 2009 (6.3.249) or later does not have this issue.