02/23/2018April Daniels
There is option to increase timeout count on database connection in ACS.ini file. Procedure Steps 1. Back up your acs.ini
2. Run notepad as administrator 3. Open acs.ini
4. Add these settings
09/14/2017April Daniels
Question Can Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server be used with an Enterprise system running OnGuard 7.3 Update 1? Answer Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server uses TLS 1.2, which is not compatible with the Message Broker service. It canno...
12/03/2014April Daniels
How to schedule a backup for SQL Server 2005 Express Procedure Steps To back up an SQL Server database on a time schedule for an SQL Server 2017 Express system: 1) Create a folder named SQLBackup in the C:\ drive. 2) Copy the ...
03/26/2014April Daniels
How do I configure SQL and SQL native client to accept ODBC connections? Procedure Steps On the Database Server, locate and launch SQL Server Configuration Manager. Expand the following three headers to view the protocols: SQL Native Client...
10/26/2013April Daniels
Symptom The following error may occur when manually creating the AccessControl database: "Create failed for database AccessControl" The following is additional information for this error: "...an exception occured while exe...
05/04/2012April Daniels
Symptom When running Database Setup, an error occurs:
Description: Database error: The specified schema name "LENEL" either does not exist or you do not have permission to use it. Details: Database error executing a statement. (CREATE TABLE...
05/03/2012April Daniels
Symptom The following error might occur during Database Setup: The ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "UA_USER_FK". The conflict occurred in database 'AccessControl', table'dbo.USERS', column 'USERID'. Details: D...
02/15/2012April Daniels
Symptom Error message:
ODBC connection error named pipes provider; Could not open a connection to SQL server. Connection failed. Resolution 1. Open SQL Server Configuration Manager 2. Expand SQL Server Network Configurat...
10/26/2011April Daniels
How to determine if you are running SQL Express or SQL Standard Procedure Steps In SQL Server Management Studio, run the following query: SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('productversion'), SERVERPROPERTY ('productlevel'), SERVERPROPERTY ('edition'...
03/03/2010April Daniels
Symptom You may encounter the following issues after restoring a backup of the AccessControl database into an OnGuard system running SQL Server: - When configuring or testing the ODBC DSN, the AccessControl database is not listed in the Change...