Scheduling A Backup In SQL

How to schedule a backup for SQL Server 2005 Express

Procedure Steps

To back up an SQL Server database on a time schedule for an SQL Server 2017 Express system:

1) Create a folder named SQLBackup in the C:\ drive.

2) Copy the following code, and then start Notepad. Paste the text into Notepad.


 DECLARE @BackupFile varchar(255), @DB varchar(30), @Description varchar(255), @LogFile varchar(50)

 DECLARE @Name varchar(30), @MediaName varchar(30), @BackupDirectory nvarchar(200)

 SET @BackupDirectory = 'C:\SQLBackup\'

 -- Add a list of all databases you don't want to backup to this, eg: tempdb, model, Northwind, master, msdb.

 DECLARE Database_CURSOR CURSOR FOR SELECT name FROM sysdatabases WHERE name <>  'tempdb' AND name <>  'model' AND name <>  'Northwind' AND name <>  'master' AND name <>  'msdb'

 OPEN Database_Cursor


 WHILE @@fetch_status = 0


      SET @Name = @DB + '( Daily BACKUP )'

      SET @MediaName = @DB + '_Dump' + CONVERT(varchar, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP , 112)

      SET @BackupFile = @BackupDirectory + CONVERT(varchar, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP , 112) + '_'  + @DB + '_' + 'Full' + '_' + '.bak' 

      SET @Description = 'Normal' + ' BACKUP at ' + CONVERT(varchar, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) + '.' 

     IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM msdb.dbo.backupset WHERE database_name = @DB) > 0 OR @DB = 'master'


        SET @BackupFile = @BackupDirectory + CONVERT(varchar, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP , 112) + '_' + @DB + '_' + 'Full' + '_' + '.bak'

       -- SET some more pretty stuff for sql server.

        SET @Description = 'Full' + ' BACKUP at ' + CONVERT(varchar, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) + '.'




        SET @BackupFile = @BackupDirectory + @DB + '_' + 'Full' + '_' +

         CONVERT(varchar, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP , 112) + '.bak'

       -- SET some more pretty stuff for sql server.

        SET @Description = 'Full' + ' BACKUP at ' + CONVERT(varchar, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) + '.'


       BACKUP DATABASE @DB TO DISK = @BackupFile

       WITH NAME = @Name, DESCRIPTION = @Description ,

       MEDIANAME = @MediaName, MEDIADESCRIPTION = @Description ,

       STATS = 10

      FETCH next FROM Database_CURSOR INTO @DB


 CLOSE Database_Cursor

 DEALLOCATE Database_Cursor


3) From the File menu, select Save.

4) In the Save as type drop-down, select "All Files".

5) In the File name field type backup.sql. Save this file to the C:\SQLBackup folder.

6) Copy the following code, and then paste the text into Notepad.


sqlcmd -S . -i "C:\SQLBackup\Backup.sql"


7) From the File menu, select Save.

8) In the Save as type drop-down, select "All Files".

9) In the File name field type backup.bat. Save this file to the C:\SQLBackup folder.

10) Open Schedule Tasks in Windows (Click the Start button, then select All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Scheduled Tasks).

11) Double-click Add Scheduled Task. The Scheduled Task Wizard opens.

12) Click [Next] on the first window.

13) On the window where you select the program you want Windows to run, click [Browse]. Navigate to the C:\SQLBackup\backup.bat file, and then click [Open].

14) Type a name for the task, select how frequently to perform the task, and then click [Next].

15) Select the time and day you want the task to start, along with the day(s) of the week to run the task. Click [Next].

16) Enter the Windows login (which is required), and then click [Next].

Note: The login must have acess to SQL

17) Click [Finish].

18) To test the schedule, right-click on the schedule in Scheduled Tasks and select Run. If the backup runs successfully, a Date_AccessControl.bak file will be created in the C:\SQLBackup folder.

Applies To

OnGuard 8.0

Additional Information