Skypoint Administrator User/Priviledges tab error ''An applicationerror was encountered. We must close the currently running application''


After logging into Skypoint Administrator and selecting the User/Privileges tab, a error dialog opens stating
"An application error was encountered. We must close the currently running application."


  1. Log into the SQL database and connect to the VSEvents.
  2. Open the Users table.
  3. Once the table opens, the Admin and Guest Password must be encrypted. You will find one or both listed as "Admin" or "Guest" in the Password column.
    The passwords encrypted are:
    Admin is LcOQ7ThnSDI=
    Guest is wy7enSn6xlQ=
  4. Copy and paste these encrypted passwords into the Password fields and close SQL Sever Management Studio.
  5. Log into SkyPoint Admin. The User/Privilege tab will work correctly.

Applies To

SP1 from ONSSI allowed the password to be unencrypted.
SP2 had a patch to run to encrypt it.
SP3 does not contain the patch.
This issue must be corrected manually on SP3.

Additional Information

New "Applies to" Category in SkyPoint Administrator.