Rebuilding the LNR.XML file for NVR

Rebuilding the LNR.XML file for NVR

Procedure Steps

  1. Open the Lenel Network Video Admin Tool with administrative rights by right clicking on the application and choose Run as Administrator. 
  2. Write down the drives that you are recording to, along with the amount of free space left on each drive.
  3. Close the Lenel Video Network Admin Tool.
  4. Stop the LNVR services.
  5. Navigate to C:\ProgramData\Lenel\LNVSuite\7.X.
    • X =  Current version of LNVR Suite on the recorder
  6. Rename the LNR.XML file to LNRXML.old.
  7. Open the Lenel Network Admin Tool with administrative rights again.
  8. Enter the information that you wrote down from step 2 into the Lenel Network Admin Tool.
  9. Click [OK] and allow the program to start the LNVR services.
  10. Final steps will be to perform an Update Capabilities and a Download on the recorder in System Administration.

Applies To

LNVR (all versions)

Additional Information