How to Rebuild Lenel NVR7 Database

How to rebuild Lenel NVR7 Database 

Procedure Steps

1. Stop the services on the Recorder.

2. Navigate to: C:\ProgramData\Lenel\LNVSuite\7.X\Data\, where you will find all of the DB files.

  • X =  Current version of LNVR Suite on the recorder

3. Create a new folder in another location and name it Backup_DB.

4. Move all of the files from the Data folder into the new backup folder 

             (confirm the Data folder is empty in step 2).

5. Find an LNVR installer image 

             (either from a Download on the Partner Center Site or the Supplemental CD)

             - Navigate to one of the following locations: 

  •    Location 1: Supplemental DVD Revision xx\Digital Video\Lenel Video Suite Installation      7.X.XXX\CommonAppData\Lenel\LNVSuite\7.X\Data
  •    Location 2: Downloaded file – Lenel Video Suite Installation 7.X.XXX\CommonAppData\Lenel\LNVSuite\7.X\Data

6. Copy all of the  .DB files from the data folder in step 5 into the LNVSuite \7.X \Data folder you emptied  

             from step 4.

7. Restart the LNVR services.

8. Let the services rebuild the Database.

Note: On average, takes 24-48 hours to complete the database rebuild process.  Worst case scenario, 1TB of storage per day, depending upon the number of channels and number of video files, and so on.

Applies To

Lenel NVR Suite 7.x

Additional Information

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