What does ''Panel Options Mismatch'' mean in Alarm Monitoring?


What does "Panel Options Mismatch" mean in Alarm Monitoring?


"Panel options mismatch" can be reported for an access panel if there is an options mismatch between the database on the panel and what OnGuard indicates the options should be on the panel. This information is reported in Alarm Monitoring as an alarm in the Main Alarm Monitor window, as well as in the System Status Tree with the other panel status information.

To resolve the issue, perform a database download to the access panel. This synchronizes the panel option settings between OnGuard and the access panel.

Without a database download, the panel might not function correctly and might even result in cardholders losing access (reported as "Invalid Badge" events in Alarm Monitoring).

Details about what causes the panel options mismatch are recorded in the %ProgramFiles%\OnGuard\logs\LenelError.log  or  %ProgramFilesx86%\Programdata\logs\LenelError.log file on the computer running the Communication Server.

Applies To

OnGuard (All versions)

Additional Information
