''Unable to Send Command'' alarm received in Alarm Monitoring for an ILS Wireless lock


The Unable to Send Command alarm is received in Alarm Monitoring for an ILS Wireless lock.


View the alarm's associated text by right clicking on the alarm and choosing the <View Associated Text> command from the context menu. Check if the text has the following information: "Command Update Lock not acknowledged, the error code is 0x10." If this is the case, the alarm was caused because the system options affecting the badge record size on the lock were changed in OnGuard, but the lock was not initialized using the PDA. Currently, the only option is Store badge activate/deactivate dates on the System Options > ILS tab.
To resolve this issue, perform a download for this lock (reader) to the PDA from System Administration, and then initialize the lock using the PDA. If the alarm associated text does not contain the error specified above, contact Technical Support.

Applies To

OnGuard 2010 (6.4.500) or later
Lenel ILS

Additional Information
