NGP Authentication Failure


NGP panels appear in the System Status Tree of Alarm Monitoring with a Red X and status of "Authentication failure".


1. Open the panel Configuration Web page by navigating to: System Administration > Access Panels > NGP tab.
2. Select your NGP panel and navigate to the Location tab.
3. Click[Configuration Web Page].
        -The Web browser opens. 
        -A warning message may appear regarding the website's security certificate. 
        -Select 'Continue to this website'. 
        -Another Security Warning may appear. 
        -Select "Yes" to Allow the Web Page to open a site on your intranet.
4. Log into the panel with the Service user credentials; User name: "000000" and Password: "2482" or whatever you may have changed the password to.
5. At the bottom of the page, select the "Authentication" link.
    -The Authenication Configuration page displays.
6. For the Panel Code and the Password fields, make note of the default value.  Or, if desired, change one or both of these fields to some other numeric value(s).
7. In System Administration, select the Options tab of the NGP panel. 
8. Click [Modify].
9. Change the Panel Code value to match the one in the Configuration Web Page.
10. Change the 3rd party password to match the Password in the Configuration Web Page.
11. Change the SERIAL NUMBER to match the last 5 digits of the serial number displayed on the configuration web page
12. Click [OK].
The NGP panel will come online and its status should return to normal.

Applies To

OnGuard (All versions); OnGuard 2010 Technology Update (6.4.500 TU) 

Additional Information