Install / Upgrade

How to run the LNLDIAG utility and upload to FTP for use by Technical Support

11/02/2011April Daniels
How to run the LNLDIAG utility and upload to FTP for use by Technical Support. Procedure Steps The LNLDIAG utility collects the Lenel OnGuard logs and setup files, adds the files to a .ZIP archive, and saves the .ZIP file to a designated locat...

Changing the default port for contacting the database in DB Setup or application server

11/02/2011April Daniels
Changing the default port for contacting the database in Database Setup or Application Server  Procedure Steps The default port for SQL Server is 1433, and this is what will be used when contacting the database in Database Setup or the A...

I can't find a shortcut to the Security Utility. Where is it located?

09/02/2011April Daniels
Question I cannot find a shortcut to the Security Utility. Where is it located? Answer If the Security Utility is not found in the OnGuard program group in the Start Menu, launch it manually from the following location:   Prog...

Foreign characters not displaying properly on clients in OnGuard system with Oracle database

08/30/2011April Daniels
Symptom An Oracle database and Arabic language pack are installed on the client and server workstations. All workstations have the appropriate Arabic fonts installed in Windows, and OnGuard text strings show correctly in Arabic. ...

List Builder items with non-English characters appear garbled

12/21/2010April Daniels
Symptom After an upgrade from OnGuard 2008 Plus (6.1.222) or earlier, non-English characters in List Builder items may appear garbled. This issue will occur on computers configured for Windows Regional Settings in a non-English language. Res...

Some OnGuard applications start slowly on computers without Internet access

12/20/2010April Daniels
Symptom On computers without Internet access, some OnGuard applications may take 45 seconds or more to launch. These applications include: - Database Setup - Universal Time Conversion Utility - Form Translator Resolution To resolve the...

OnGuard installation fails without error during Crystal Reports runtime portion

11/18/2010April Daniels
Symptom During the portion of the OnGuard installation when the Crystal Reports runtime is installed, the installation of OnGuard may fail. No errors or messages are reported. On a Windows operating system, this issue may occur e...

May Need to Run Database Setup and Form Translator as Administrator When UAC is On

05/25/2010April Daniels
Problem Overview You Need to Run Database Setup and Form Translator as Administrator When UAC is On Detailed Description If you have UAC turned on in Windows  and you use NT authentication to connect in the application.config file for...

ACS.INI File Cannot be Edited by Administrator Group Member

05/25/2010April Daniels
Problem Overview ACS.INI File Cannot be Edited by Administrator Group Member Detailed Description By default, the Admin account does not have permission to save the ACS.INI file in Windows . To work around this issue, add the Admin user to...

Error during custom OnGuard installation including Web Application Server: ''Error 1606. Could not access network location...''

04/23/2010April Daniels
Symptom During a custom installation of OnGuard, where the Web Application Server is chosen as a component to install, the following error might appear: "Error 1606. Could not access network location \inetpub\wwwroot." Resolution...