How to enable verbose logging for Database Setup using the OnGuard Configuration Editor

How to enable verbose logging for Database Setup using the OnGuard Configuration Editor

Procedure Steps

For versions between OnGuard 6.0.148 To OnGuard 6.6, perform these steps to enable verbose logging for Database Setup:

  1. Create a text file on the C: drive called VerboseLog.txt.
  2. Open the OnGuard Configuration Editor from the OnGuard sub menu in the Start menu.
  3. Select the Components tab and click Add.
  4. Enter Database into the text box.
  5. Set the drop down to verbose>.
  6. Select the check box, and then select File > Save.
  7. Select the Listeners tab and click Add.
  8. Enter the name VerboseLog.
  9. Browse to the file created in step 1 for the File name.
  10. Set the type to singleline.
  11. Set the severity to verbose.
  12. Select the checkbox next to Name and then select File > Save.
  13. Run Database Setup. Verbose logging will be written to the file created in step 1.

Applies To

OnGuard 2008 (6.0.148) to OnGuard 6.6

Additional Information
