During installation of Visitor Management Front Desk or Kiosk, why is the Publisher listed as ''Unknown Publisher''?


During the installation of Visitor Management Front Desk or Kiosk why is the Publisher listed as "Unknown Publisher"?


ClickOnce applications such as Visitor Management Front Desk and Kiosk that were distributed with OnGuard 2009 (6.3.249) will appear to be published by "Unknown Publisher" because they were digitally signed with a Lenel certificate that recently expired.

Note that this is not a cause for concern as long as the ClickOnce installation originated from a legitimate OnGuard system hosted on a server verified as secure.

Applies To

OnGuard 2009 (6.3.249)
Visitor Management Front Desk
Visitor Management Kiosk

Additional Information

Note that ClickOnce applications like Visitor Management Front Desk and Kiosk included in subsequent versions of OnGuard (6.4.500 and later) may also exhibit this issue once the certificates used to digitally sign those applications have expired.