Configuring Custom IP for Elevator Dispatch

Otis Compass V3      

Procedure Steps

OnGuard 7.3.345 is the first version of OnGuard to allow a custom IP address to be configured for the Elevator Dispatch with Otis Compass V3.  
  1. Backup the ACS.ini file.
  2. Open Notepad as Administration.
  3. Click File > Open and browse to the live copy of the Acs.ini file.
  4. On a blank line, add in an [Otis] section (including the brackets).
  5. Add the following settings under [Otis]:


    SecuritySystemIPAddress = IP Address Of Commuication Server

    HeartbeatThreadTTL= 10

Applies To

Otis Compass V3

Additional Information

Be sure to update the terminal addresses as need. The last two octets of the IP address make up the terminal address.