Unable to get ATS intrusion panel online in OnGuard.


Unable to get ATS intrusion panel online in OnGuard.


Verify the following items:

1. Panel Physical address
2. IP Address assigned to the ATS1809 Ethernet device
3. Central Station Reporting information.

Panel Physical Address

Regarding Panel Physical address, it needs to be set in 3 places, the panel via RAS (keypad), the ATS1809 web interface and in OnGuard Intrusion Detection Panel Configuration Form.
For the RAS (keypad) configuration, log into the RAS and then go to menu item 29 Computer connection. Within that menu scroll to the Computer Address field. Set this field to whatever address is necessary and take note of the value.

For the ATS1809 web interface, upon successful login select the Panel Physical Address link on the left. A page will open on the right that shows the panel address. Make sure this matches the values that was entered into the RAS in above step, press the Submit button when finished. If you changed the address value in the web interface you will need to select the Restart communications link on the left once you are finished making changes in the web interface.

For OnGuard, Open System Administration and go to Additional Hardware > Intrusion Detection Devices. For the ATS panel configured on this form, you need to make sure the address field matches the value set in above two steps.

IP address assigned to the ATS1809 Ethernet device.

Make sure you have an appropriate IP address available to be assigned to ATS1809 Ethernet interface. Login to the web interface and select the static address parameters link on the left. A screen will open on the right that allows you to configure the IP address used to connect to the ATS panel. Make sure you enter in the proper settings for address, netmask and gateway. The IP address that is specified here is the address that you will enter in OnGuard on the Connection tab of the form for the ATS panel. Make sure both of these match. If you changed any of the IP address values in the web interface you will need to select the Restart communications link on the left once you are finished making changes in the web interface. It would be good to try and ping the ATS panel at this point using the address specified in this step to make sure you can reach the panel.

Central Station Reporting Parameters

From the ATS1809 web interface, you need to configure the IP address of the OnGuard workstation that is running Communication Server to communicate with the ATS panel. You can find this out by typing ipconfig at a command window prompt on the workstation that is running the Communication Server.
After you login into the web interface select the Central station parameters link on the left. On the right there will be a table style form broken into two sections. You need to enter information into the section at the bottom labelled ‘Management Central Stations’. You can enter the information in any of the rows here. You should use Protocol=UDP, Port=3001, Event Type=Computer and Encryption=None.
Once again, if you changed any of the values in the web interface you will need to select the Restart communications link on the left once you are finished making changes in the web interface.

If following these steps still does not resolve the issue then please try enabling ATS debug log to be collected on the OnGuard Communication Server workstation. To do that follow these steps:

Stop the Communiocation Server
On the machine running the Comm Server, open the ACS.INI file (located under C:\Windows)
Edit this file and add the following lines to the end of the file


Save the ACS.INI and then restart the Communication Server
This will create a file name ATSPanelDebug.txt in the OnGuard\logs folder.

Send this file to TSG and/or technical contact for more detailed analysis of the issue

Applies To

OnGuard (All versions)

Additional Information
