Time and Attendance activity for an NGP is not reported on 'Cardholder Time and Attendance' report


NGP entrance and exit reader activity is not included in the Cardholder Time and Attendance report although time and attendance were enabled for the entrance and exit reader when a cardholder's badge was swiped through the entrance and exit readers.

Configuration - In System Administration, from the Access Control menu, select Readers and Doors, and then the Settings tab for the NGP reader. The Is an in/out station (time and attendance) check box is selected.
Report - In System Administration, from the Administration menu, select Reports > Date/Time Reports > Cardholder Time and Attendance and then preview the report. 


  1. Open SQL Management Studio.
  2. Run the following queries:

    Select * from ACCESSPANE
    (Determines the correct panel number of the NGP reader, <your panel>.)

    Select * from READER where PANELID = <your panel>
    (Determines the READERID of the entrance reader, <your entrance>.)

    Update READER set TIMEATT = 1 where PANELID = <your panel> and READERID = <your entrance>
    (Determines the READERID of the exit reader, <your exit>.)

    Update READER set TIMEATT = 2 where PANELID = <your panel> and READERID = <your exit>

  3. Run the Cardholder Time and Attendance report. The report will now include the NGP reader entrance and exit activity.

Applies To

OnGuard 2010 Technology Update (6.4.500 TU)  and later

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