SkyPoint license activation does not produce a C2V file or ends with a local com error


SkyPoint license activation does not produce a C2V file, or ends with a local com error.


This symptom might be caused by not having Admin privileges on the base server.

There is a .exe file that must be run using the command prompt. This file is called haspdinst.exe, and is located at C:\Program Files\SkyPoint\SkyPoint Licensing Activation. You must run this file using the command prompt because it needs an -i switch when executed (haspdinst.exe -i). Make sure the HASP service is not installed.

 1.  Open a command prompt on the SkyPoint Base server.

2.  Navigate to C:\Program Files\SkyPoint\SkyPoint Licensing Activation.

3.  Drag the haspdinst.exe into the command window.

4.  At the end of the statement, add –i.

5.  Press .

6.  Run the Skypoint license admin again and confirm that the C2V file is produced.

Applies To

SkyPoint Base

Additional Information

It might be helpful to turn the User Account Control (UAC) off. UAC can prevent haspdinstal.exe from running properly.

LenelS2 does not recommend disabling User Account Control (UAC) on any computer running Windows, as this may pose a security risk. Disabling UAC is for troubleshooting purposes only. Resume use of UAC according to your domain policy as soon as troubleshooting is complete. Refer to the Microsoft knowledge base article About User About User Account Control Settings for additional information.