Migrating an Existing SQL Database to Azure SQL


  1. Prepare an empty database on the Azure server (preferably with the same name as existing on-premises database) for each of your existing databases (for example, the live, reports, and archival databases).
  2. From the Microsoft download center, download and install the Microsoft Data Migration Assistant onto the same workstation containing the existing database.
  3. Run the Data Migration Assistant, then click the “+” icon from the left pane and select the Migration radio button.
  4. Enter a project name (this name is for internal purposes only), then leave the other options at their default values. Click [Create].
  5.  For 1 Select source, configure the connection to your existing database, then click [Connect].
  6.  Select the database which you want to migrate, then click [Next].
  7. For 2 Select target,  configure the connection to your Azure resources. Select the target database, then click [Next].
  8. For 3 Select objects, select the schema objects from the source database that you want to migrate. All objects are selected by default. There will be six blocking issues related to cross-queries that will not be migrated, and might cause problems with acknowledging User-Defined Fields (ACK UDFs). When you're ready, click [Generate SQL script].
  9. For 4 Script & deploy schema, the generated SQL script is shown. Make edits, if necessary, then click [Deploy schema].
  10. If errors are shown, review them. If some database objects, such as database views, are shown as broken, or if there are cross-query issue, remove the reference to the database in the affected SQL statements (leave the table name only), then re-generate the script. Once all errors are corrected, proceed with the migration.

    Note: When the migration is complete and an archival database is in use, you should archive at least one record of the data so that OnGuard can create Azure-specific database objects for any reports that select the archival data. Otherwise, these reports will select the data from the live database instead of the archival database.
  11. For 5 Select tables,  select the tables with data that you want to migrate. All tables are selected by default. Once you've made your selections, click [Start data migration].
  12. For 6 Migrate data, you can see the progress in the upper part of the Migration Assistant. Wait until all data is migrated.

Applies To

OnGuard (all versions)

Additional Information