Invalid Badge with Assa Abloy Sargent Passport and Profile Integration


User generates an Invalid Badge event when presenting to Sargent Passport and Profile readers, even though the badge is configured correctly.


If the Badge Deactivate date is set to a date later than 12/31/2099 you will generate an Invalid Badge event in Alarm Monitoring. Change the Badge Deactivation date to a date prior to 12/31/2099. This is caused by a software limitation in the Assa Abloy Door Service Router (DSR) that prevents a Badge Deactivate later than 12/31/2099.

Applies To

OnGuard (All versions) 

Additional Information

The Assa Abloy interface is supported under the Lenel OAAP program. Using this interface, customers can now add the ASSA ABLOY DSR service and Sargent wireless and PoE readers to their OnGuard System. Once added, the user can configure access levels, timezones, holidays, and badges to the reader. Users can also view events from the readers using their OnGuard system.