Including specific information about alarms within automatic emails
Procedure Steps
- Go to System Administration > Monitoring > Alarms > Messages tab.
- Click [Modify].
- Select the Alarm name for which you want to send an automatic email.
- Click [Add E-Mail].
- In the body of the message, you can include different parameters or arguments that will provide more specific information about the alarm:
- %alarmDescription: Description of the alarm that generated the message.
- %alarmPriority: Priority of the alarm that generated the message.
- %alarmTime: Time of the alarm that generated the message.
- %deviceName: Name of the device from which the alarm that generated the message occurred.
- %badgeID: Badge ID associated with the alarm that generated the message.
- %cardholderName: Cardholder Name associated with the alarm that generated the message.
For example, you could format your message text like the following if you were trying to send an automatic email on Door Forced Open alarms:
There was a Door Forced Open at %deviceName. This occurred at %alarmTime.
Applies To
OnGuard (All versions)