Gathering Logs For Digital Video

Gathering logs for Digital Video

Procedure Steps

Please gather the following information below from the OnGuard Client, Prism Server, Prism Client and LNVR system, so we may further assist you.

1)      Launch Event Viewer.

·         Expand Windows Logs.

·         Click on Application and wait for window to populate.

o   Right-click on Application.

o   Choose save all events as (NOTE: Make sure to verify where the file is being saved).

o   Enter file name of: TicketNumberDeviceApplication.

·         Click on System and wait for window to populate.

o   Right-click on System.

o   Choose save all events as (NOTE: Make sure to verify where the file is being saved).

o   Enter file name of: TicketNumberDeviceSystem


2)      Launch LNLDIAG.exe as an Administrator

·         Click the Browse button.

·         Create a file name of: TicketNumberDeviceLNDIAG.

·         Click the Save button (NOTE: Make sure to verify where the file is being saved).

·         The Output file field should populate the path and file name.

·         Click the OK button. The file is created after several minutes.

Applies To


Additional Information
