Duplicate Monitor Zones in an upgraded OnGuard 2008 Enterprise system


After upgrading a pre-OnGuard 2008 Enterprise system, and doing the necessary replication after the upgrade, you may notice duplicate Monitor Zones at the Master, one per Region.

This assumes that the "Default Zone - ALL Segments" Monitor Zone has not been renamed by the customer, and if not renamed, these zones will appear as duplicates in the system.

Since their segment remains as "ALL Segments - MASTER - Recursive", they will replicate throughout the Enterprise system.


What to do if your system is upgraded to OnGuard 2008 Enterprise:

At this point, the customer has upgraded to OnGuard 2008 and may experience duplicate Monitor Zones at the Master Server Node after all replication is completed.

To help alleviate confusion, there are several options available for the customer to take:

1) Without making any Monitor Zones name changes, upgrade to OnGuard 2008 Plus.
Note: Perform the steps in the next section for this upgrade.

2) At the Master, rename the necessary Monitor Zones to make the names more meaningful to the customer.

3) Although it is not possible to change the Segment of an existing Monitor Zone in the system, you can do the following:
- Create a new Monitor Zone.
- Select the "ALL Segments - REGIONNAME" Segment for the desired Region.
- Add the hardware contained by the duplicated "Default Zone - ALL Segments" that was from the same Region.
- Remove the "Default Zone - ALL Segments."

Steps taken during an upgrade to OnGuard 2008 Plus:

During the upgrade, any Monitor Zone that has a Segment ID of -1 is updated to use the new "ALL Segments - SERVERNAME" for the server on which the Monitor Zone is configured.

The segmentation concept remains the same as for versions prior to OnGuard 2008. All hardware supported at this server will be available for inclusion in this Monitor Zone which will prevent the adding of hardware from other servers to this zone, and allow editing by other servers. This change assures that the Monitor Zone remains "owned" by the same server, as with pre-OnGuard 2008 versions, and assures that it can only contain hardware from that server, also with pre-OnGuard 2008.

Update the name of the Monitor Zone if it has not been edited by the customer, setting it to "Default Zone - ALL Segments - SERVERNAME" so that, after the upgrade and replication, the Monitor Zones will be distinguishable at the Master.

If, for some reason, the customer has renamed the Monitor Zone from the default string, then no changes will be made, and the customer can rename it as needed.

Applies To

OnGuard 2008 (6.0.148)
OnGuard Enterprise (All versions)

Additional Information

Prior to OnGuard 2008 Plus, each Regional Server had at least one Monitor Zone in the "ALL Segments" (Segment ID of -1) segment, which allowed the customer to add hardware to the zone regardless of the hardware's segment. Also, Monitor Zones did not replicate, so each Region had its own zones, and even though the zone had the "ALL Segments" segment, it could only contain hardware from that Region.

In OnGuard 2008 Plus, Monitor Zone replication was introduced so zones now replicate bi-directionally throughout the Enterprise system. Two (2) new "dynamic" Segments were introduced to each system in the Enterprise configuration, one (1) representing all possible Segments for a given server, and the other representing all possible Segments for a given server, and all of its children recursively.