Could not load type 'Lnl.Security.Unmanaged.Cryptography.CryptoAlgorithmIdManaged' from assembly 'Lnl.Security.Unmanaged following an upgrade to OnGuard 8.1


Setup Assistant or Database Setup does not complete in OnGuard 8.1. LnlLogVerbose shows the error:

Could not load type 'Lnl.Security.Unmanaged.Cryptography.CryptoAlgorithmIdManaged' from assembly 'Lnl.Security.Unmanaged


1. Navigate to C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_32

2. Remove all of the following:

  • Lenel.Security*
  • Lenel.Cryptography*
  • Lenel.CryptographyProvider*

3. Re-run Setup Assistant or Database Setup and confirm the errors are no longer present.

Applies To

OnGuard 8.1

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