Alarm Monitoring

How to enable the Select Monitor Zone dialog in Alarm Monitoring

10/03/2008April Daniels
How to enable the Select Monitor Zone dialog in Alarm Monitoring Procedure Steps By default, when more than one Monitor Zone is defined in System Administration, a drop-down is presented to the user upon logging in to select the Monitor Zone....

An access panel appears offline in Alarm Monitoring after moving to new LS Communication Server

10/02/2008April Daniels
Symptom In System Administration, the following steps are performed to point an access panel to use a different Communication Server. 1) From the Access Control menu, select Access Panels . The Access Panels folder is displayed. 2) Selec...

Duress events do not appear in Alarm Monitoring

06/20/2008April Daniels
 Symptom When a duress code is entered at a reader, no events appear in the Main Alarm Monitor window in Alarm Monitoring. No events appear regardless of whether the door was used. Resolution In System Administration:   1) From the Mo...

What does a badge number of (-1) indicate in Alarm Monitoring

01/21/2008April Daniels
Question What does a badge number of (-1) indicate in Alarm Monitoring? Answer A Badge ID of (-1) often indicates that the value of the badge number read is greater than the number of digits allocated in OnGuard. This can be resolved by inc...