Which graphics formats are supported for MapDesigner backgrounds?


Which graphics formats are supported for MapDesigner backgrounds?


The OnGuard system supports the following image formats:

- Adobe Photoshop PSD
- CALS Raster CAL
- Encapsulated Post Script EPS
- Fax/Delrina WinFax FAX
- GEM/Ventura IMG
- IBM IOCA (Image Object Container Architecture) (first page supported only) ICA
- JPEG/JIFIF File Interchange Format JPG, JIF
- Kodak Photo CD PCD
- Kodak FlashPix FPX
- Lead CMP
- Macintosh PICT PCT
- Mac Paint MAC
- Microsoft Paint MSP
- Portable Network Graphics PNG
- Targa RAS, TGA
- TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) TIF, MPT
- Windows Bitmap BMP, DIB
- Windows Metafile EMF, WMF
- WordPerfect Graphic WPG

Applies To

OnGuard (All versions)

Additional Information

Each map uses a background as its foundation. A background is a graphic file that contains a blueprint or map of a facility or area. If such a file doesn’t exist, you can create one on paper and scan it, or you can create it using a graphics program.

Note: You cannot use MapDesigner software to create a map background. GIF files are not supported.