10/22/2007April Daniels
Symptom Windows Installer runs after OnGuard installation is complete Resolution On occasion, the Windows Installer will check to see if a new version of software is available. The Windows Installer may falsely detect that there are compon...
10/22/2007April Daniels
Symptom The exact error message will differ depending on your localized language. It will contain 'Lnl_PFx_Locale.locales[...].name' and state that the object is empty or null. Resolution This error indicates that default locale of the brows...
10/22/2007April Daniels
Symptom Communication Lost/Restored errors occur for Bosch or Radionics panels. These errors occur on panels earlier than version 2, which are identified by a V2 designation at the end of the model. Resolution Important: Increasing th...
10/22/2007April Daniels
How to run the Daylight Savings Time Utility Procedure Steps This utility should be run for OnGuard 5.10.309 or earlier. Important: Run the Windows Daylight Savings Time patch on the database server first. SQL Database 1) Open the LN...
10/22/2007April Daniels
Symptom Oracle ORA-00904 Error Invalid identifier After upgrading to OnGuard 5.12.012 with Oracle 10g, an ORA-00904 error may occur during a cardholder search in System Administration. The cardholders returned in the search are missing informat...
10/22/2007April Daniels
Symptom The following error occurs in System Administration when attempting to add a new segment: "ORA-04091: table LENEL.SEGMENT_GROUP_MEMBER is mutating, trigger/function may not see it ORA-06512: at "LENEL.SEGMENT1", line 6 ORA-04088: error ...
10/22/2007April Daniels
Symptom "Runtime Error! Program: C:\Program Files\OnGuard\SystemAdministration.exe abnormal program termination" error occurs while using System Administration. Resolution 1) Verify the date and time is correct on the Communication Se...