How to upgrade OnGuard on an NEC ExpressCluster system

How to install an OnGuard service update and upgrade OnGuard on an NEC ExpressCluster system

Procedure Steps

Installing OnGuard service updates on an NEC ExpressCluster system

It is assumed that the failover group is located on the Primary server and both nodes are online (green). Before installing the service update, ensure that you can open the OnGuard applications on the Secondary server without problems.

1) Install the service update on the Secondary server.
Note: If the service update will apply database changes, you will be prompted whether to apply that portion of the service update. Select the option to apply the database changes.

2) Move the group to the Secondary server.

3) Isolate the Primary server.

Stop the NEC ExpressCluster Server service on the Primary server.

Install the service update on Primary server.
Important: If the service update has a database portion, do not apply it to this server.

Stop the LS Login Driver service.

Start the NEC Express Cluster Server service on the Primary server.

Return the Primary server to the cluster.

Move the group back to the Primary server and then verify that everything is ok.

Upgrading OnGuard on a NEC ExpressCluster system

Use this procedure if the setup does not require a reboot.

It is assumed that the failover group is located on the Primary server and both nodes are online (green). Before upgrading OnGuard, ensure that you can open the OnGuard applications on the Secondary server without problems.

1) Isolate the Secondary server from the cluster.

2) Install OnGuard on the Secondary server.

3) Run Database Setup on the Secondary server.

4) On the Secondary server: stop the LS License Server, LS Login Driver and LS Open IT 
services, after installation and ensure these are set to "Manual."

5) Stop the Failover Group on the Primary server.

6) On the Primary server: stop the LS License Server, LS Login Driver and LS Open IT services, after installation and ensure they are set to "Manual."

7) Return the Secondary server to the cluster.

8) Start the Failover Group on the Primary server.

9) Move the group to the Secondary server.

10) Move the group back to the Primary server.

11) Verify that OnGuard is accessible and functional from the Primary server and Secondary server.

Applies To

OnGuard: (All versions)

Additional Information
