How to install the image capture camera

How to install the image capture camera

Procedure Steps

In order to install the image capture camera, you need to obtain the camera driver from the Supplemental Materials media.

  1. From the Supplemental Materials media, navigate to Credential Center Device Drivers\Badging Image Capture Camera Drivers. The Lenel Photo ID System Manual and the driver are located here. 
  2. Follow the instructions to complete the camera setup and driver installation.
  3. Configure the camera in System Administration or ID CredentialCenter.
  4. From the Administration menu, select Cardholders.
  5. Add or modify a cardholder, and then click [Capture] to open Multimedia Capture.
  6. On the Photo tab: Select "Digital Camera" as the Capture Source.
  7. On the Digital Camera Settings sub-tab, select "Videology USB Camera" for the Twain Source.
    Note: In order for your digital camera to be listed in the drop-down, you must have first attached the camera to your computer, installed the device's Twain driver software, and configured it for use. For more information, refer to your digital camera's user guide.
  8. Click [Get Photo].


Applies To

OnGuard (All versions)

Additional Information

When using a Videology camera in OnGuard, the camera's attached flash unit will not activate no matter how dark the light condition for attempted photos. Under the same conditions, Videology software (installed from the disc) does activate the flash function. This is because the flash function is only supported with the TWAIN interface. Therefore, flash is not supported if the camera is configured in OnGuard this way: Capture Source is "WDM Video" with "Videology 5Mpixel cam" in Device.