Digion 24 Mifare encoder is failing 50% when importing serial number from Mifare cards


With OnGuard 6.5.400 and Magicard Tango 2e with Mifare encoder, importing a smart card serial number  fails when the badge does not move to the encoder in time, and there are no retry attempts.


A new .dll will resolve the issue. When the user tries to print/import, the system will wait five seconds before attempting to import from the card, providing the time required to position the card in the printer. It also writes some data to the lnlerror.log.
To install this .dll:
  1. Close System Administration
  2. Back up the existing LnlMagicardCardPrinteru.dll in the OnGuard directory. This can be done by zipping it or copying it into another directory.
  3. Copy this dll into the OnGuard directory.
  4. Restart System Administration. 

Applies To

OnGuard 2010 (6.4.500)

Additional Information

This is also resolved in 6.4.500 HF 2.0 and later.