Product Name
General Information
BADGE.SEGMENTID is a column that should not be used and has never been used by OnGuard. In a future release, this column will be removed from the database. In prior versions, it was part of the B_N_ISSUE_I index. It has been removed.
In some cases, customers have manually inserted data into this column using the ExchangeMap in DataExchange. The customers count on this to be unique for the Badge ID and Issue Code. This is an incorrect process. Those customers should re-issue the badges with a new ID to avoid having duplicates of Badge ID and Issue Code combinations.
In some cases, customers have manually inserted data into this column using the ExchangeMap in DataExchange. The customers count on this to be unique for the Badge ID and Issue Code. This is an incorrect process. Those customers should re-issue the badges with a new ID to avoid having duplicates of Badge ID and Issue Code combinations.
Applies To
OnGuard 2009 (6.3.249)
OnGuard 2010 (6.4.500)
OnGuard 2010 Technology Update (6.4.500 TU)
Additional Information